Call out for a decentralised day of action on 30.9.2018: Hambi stays! Coal phase out now!

We do not want a coal phase-out by 2038 nor 2030, rather we want to get out of coal immediately. We need to get out of this globally devastating dirty energy that has no future.

Dear climate activists, forest protectors, environmental, anti-coal, anti-nuclear, anti-racists groups and local Ende Gelände groups!

For Sunday 30.9.2018 Ende Gelände is calling for a big, decentralised day of action under the slogan „Hambi stays! Coal phase out now!“

We do not want a coal phase-out by 2038 nor 2030, rather we want to get out of coal immediately. We need to get out of this globally devastating dirty energy that has no future.

RWE, the utility responsible for lignite mining in the area, and the provincial government of North Rhine Westphalia are harming the climate and the future for short term profit – this is resulting in the destruction of the ancient forest Hambacher Forst and the ruthless eviction of the tree houses.

For the decentralised day of action on the 30.09. we are calling on people in many different cities in Germany and Europe to march for an immediate coal phase out and for the protection of the Hambacher Forst!

On the same day there will be a traditional forest walk – a weekly demonstration which is slowly but surely turning into a massive demonstration against the eviction and the upcoming cutting season. For the coming months, there is also a permanent climate camp nearby in Manheim (not Mannheim) where you can pitch your tent if you want to come earlier or stay later.

Most importantly: organise marches and creative solidarity actions in your cities!
Be loud, be visible and say „Hambi stays! Coal phase out now!“

If you create a Facebook event or Tweets, please share your stories and pictures and let our press and social media gang know, so we can help spread word: (PGP-Key),



Failure of the government requires civil disobedience ++ Blockades planned in the Lusatian coal district

26. September 2019 Following the publication of the federal government's „climate package“, the action alliance Ende Gelände announces a mass action of civil disobedience in the Lusatian coal mining area. Thousands of people will block coal infrastructure with their bodies on the weekend of 29 November to 1 December 2019. Ende Gelände thus protests against the total failure of the Federal Government in climate policy. The alliance demands an immediate exit from coal and a fundamental system change. Continue reading ...

Who shut shit down? We shut shit down!

12. July 2019 The action weekend of Ende Gelände (EG) from June 19th until 24th, 2019 was a weekend of superlatives. For 45 hours, the coal supply to the Neurath power station was blocked. 2,000 activists occupied the open pit mine of Garzweiler. 5,000 to 6,000 people brought the struggle for climate justice to the places of destruction – the Rhenish coal mining district – in a massive act of civil disobedience. Continue reading ...