Different, specific information about the Lusatia Action in the autumn 2019 will little by little be summarized here.
The information below was compiled for the Rhineland Action in the summer 2019 and can
not always be applied 1 to 1 the Lusatia Action in the autumn 2019.
Are you still looking for passengers or a ride to Ende Gelände?
Then this is the right place for you! 🙂
You can offer a ride by train or by car. For a train ride in germany the Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket is particularly worthwhile, with it you come with five people from all over Germany for 15,20€ per person to Ende Gelände. Within Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia), the SchönerTagTicket (Regional day ticket) costs €9.20. Of course you have to buy the train tickets directly at the train station or here.
Just type in your city and click on “Find a trip”. There is no trip yet? Then simply create one with the destination “Ende Gelände” and organise a Rideshare in this way. We are already looking forward to it when the Rideshare exchange fills up with journeys to “Ende Gelände”!
Of course, you can also use the Rideshare exchange for the journey home or you can simply travel back with the same people you arrived.
If you have problems searching for rides on our homepage, try it directly at bessermitfahren.de *). This can be helpful in particular with ambiguous city names, since there search suggestions are indicated. Unfortunately it is still the case at the moment that if there are no journeys from a city to Ende Gelände, all journeys with a destination within a radius of 50km around Ende Gelände are displayed, we are working on it.
Unfortunately we cannot translate the Rideshare exchange, sorry for that. Here some help here.
Auf gehts, ab gehts, Ende Gelände!

*) which, by the way, made our rideshare exchange possible, thank you very much for that!
Abfahrt = departure
Ankunft = arrival
bearbeiten = edit
Eintrag speichern = save entry
Fahrten suchen = search trips
Fahrt anbieten = offer a ride
Handy = mobile phone
Ich biete eine einmalige Fahrt mit dem Auto / mir dem Zug = I offer a one-time ride by car / by train
Kontaktdaten anzeigen = show contact details
kostenlos freischalten: = you have to click in the mail you get from bessermitfahren on this, to activate your offer
löschen = delete
Nach = to
Neuer Eintrag erstellen = create new entry
Preis = price
(Freie) Plätze = free seats
Uhrzeit = Time
VHS = matter of negotiation
Vielen Dank! Wir haben Dir eine Mail zur Aktivierung der Anzeige gesendet. = Thank you very much. We have sent you a mail to activate the offer (you have to click in this mail on a link)