Yes We Camp!

Update to the Ende Gelaende Camp and upcoming events

Dear Ende Gelaendist@s!

Many of you will travel by special train, bus, bike or horse to the Ende Gelaende mass action. And many of you will will sleep, eat, prepare, party and debrief on our protest camp. As every year, the camp is a difficult, suspensful, sometimes exhausting part of our protest.

Because RWE owns most of the land in the Coalfield region they can exert massive pressure onto farmers not to let us camp on their fields. Because of this, we registered and suggested multiple sites to the police weeks ago so that we could annouce our camp with thousands of people as a legal assembly. Last week, the police ordered us to use a site 30 kilometers away from the Hambach Forest with no public transport and high-voltage power cables on it. This is ridiculous! It is the obvious attempt to keep our protest against the destructive coal industry away from the site of destruction. Against this order, we filed a law suit yesterday. Becaus the police ist stalling the procedure, the court has not yet decided as of Tuesday noon. We will not accept this stonewalling!

Today, we started to set up our camp, despite not having a final court ruling. Building up such a large camp is a lot of work and takes some time, which is running out for us. The exact location of the camp will be communicated tomorrow to protect the campsite today. This was not an easy decision for us and we know, that for some of you this might be an unexpected turn of events. Unfortunately, we could not communicate this earlier due to the dynamic and complexity of the situation.

For everyone going to Ende Gelaende: Yes We Camp! Get you affinity group, your tent and sleeping back and join us for the action! If you arrive on Tuesday, the legalized Hambi-Solidarity-Camp in Kerpen-Manheim (alt) is a good spot to arrive.

For everyone who wants to sleep in a house in this situation, please visit the accomodation platform!

We are looking forward to you, to a fabulous action and a great camp!


Failure of the government requires civil disobedience ++ Blockades planned in the Lusatian coal district

26. September 2019 Following the publication of the federal government's „climate package“, the action alliance Ende Gelände announces a mass action of civil disobedience in the Lusatian coal mining area. Thousands of people will block coal infrastructure with their bodies on the weekend of 29 November to 1 December 2019. Ende Gelände thus protests against the total failure of the Federal Government in climate policy. The alliance demands an immediate exit from coal and a fundamental system change. Continue reading ...

Who shut shit down? We shut shit down!

12. July 2019 The action weekend of Ende Gelände (EG) from June 19th until 24th, 2019 was a weekend of superlatives. For 45 hours, the coal supply to the Neurath power station was blocked. 2,000 activists occupied the open pit mine of Garzweiler. 5,000 to 6,000 people brought the struggle for climate justice to the places of destruction – the Rhenish coal mining district – in a massive act of civil disobedience. Continue reading ...